

A counseling class has finaly got started, although the other one starts on August. The class, Counseling Foundation, is very practical and interesting. We will do role play every week, while learning new techniques. The students are to do counseling outside of the class at the end of semester. The professor encourages me to do it in Japanese only if I submit the paper in English. She also suggested me to research how Japanese culture and value affect counseling as my presentation theme. I am excited for not only gaining knowledge, but also practicing the techniques and building the counseling skill from the first class.

The other theological classes have started, except for OT1. Both NT1 and OT1 requires student to write exeggitic paper as one of the main assignments. Well, why not for many are already pastoring their churches? I think the first semester is the toughest one because of all new technical terms. However, I appreciate for professors' passion for both NT1 and OT1 classes.



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