
Nature of Personhood

I am taking a class, called Nature of Personhood. I am enjoyining the class very much, although we have tons of readings and assignments. I was reading a book, "Biblical Concepts for Christian Counseling" for a book review. The book really helps me understand myself. I found that I have resigned personality or "moving away" personality. According to the book, "The resigned personality strives to avoid all emotion and operates on the premise, 'If I withdraw, nothing can hurt me." The author also quotes, "[The one who has resigned personality] need for detachment renders emotional ties intolerable; anticipated closeness through sex and marriage may cause anxiety." I have heard these things from my own mouth over and over. I found that many characteristics I have, which I thought my "male personality," was actually from this resigned personality. When I read the section, I was very excited. Now I know my issue and I can work with it!

人間性の本質という授業を取っています。課題はめちゃめちゃ多いのですが、とても面白い授業です。課題の一つとして、「クリスチャン・カウンセリングのための聖書的概念」という本を読んでいるのですが、この本が自分という人間を理解するのにとても役立っています。その中で、自分にResigned personality、もしくは「脱却」の人格があるということを知りました。その本によると、「(resigned personality を持った人は)関わらなければ傷つくことはない、という前提にたって、あらゆる感情を避けようとする」のだそうで、こういう人は、「距離を置くことを必要としており、人との感情的なつながりは耐えられない。また、セックスや結婚による親密さは、不安をかきたてると考えている」のだそうです。自分自身の口から何度聞いたか。自分が「男性的性格」と理解していた性格の多くが、実はこのResigned personalityに起因していたことを知りました。この部分を読んだ時、思わず、「おー! ほんで?」と叫んでしまいました。自分の問題が何かが分かったということは、問題解決のために動けるということですから。

Immigration 2

Visa is done. I didn't need to pay extra money to extend my tourist visa. Praise the Lord. Now I need to work for I-Card, the foreigner's registration card. When I applied last week, the officer told me to come back on next day for release. I called today, one week later, an officer said, "It's still in process." ...Good thing is that I called or I needed to take 3 hours travel just to hear "It's not ready." I'm telling myself to be glad for I got 3 extra hours to complete assignments...

学生ビザが手に入りました。旅行者ビザの延長のための余分な出費は必要ありませんでした。感謝です。次は、I-Cardという、外国人登録カード取得が必要です。先週申し込んだとき、担当者は翌日に発行と言っていたのですが、一週間後の今日電話をかけて確かめると、「まだ申請中です」 ・・・電話かけて良かった~(-_-; 「まだ出来てません」を聞くためだけに3時間の旅程を行くところでした。とりあえず、今は宿題のために余分な3時間ができたことを喜べと自分に言い聞かせています。



All the process at the immigration office is frustrating. One day, I went to the office to receive the visa. I was thinking that it is ready because an officer already check my materials received them and told me to come back next week (It has taken several weeks for the application process already). So I went back. The officer B told me that it has not been proceeded because I needed another material, which was not on the list. Many warned me not to argue with them or I would be in trouble, so I didn't. I went back to the office with the document and the officer C told me to come back on Tuesday afternoon. I went back on Tuesday afternoon, then the officer B told me, "He meant 'maybe.' Your visa is not ready. Come back on Friday or next Monday." I went there yesterday, on Monday, again. The other officer handed down an additional document, which said, "This person request a conversion of visa status and submitted all materials. Please issue the visa." He told me to photocopy the document. I thought now I could get visa. Then, officer took my passport and said, "Come back Tomorrow afternoon." You know, it takes 1 1/2 hours just to get there from my place. Moreover, my tourist visa will be expired on this Friday. Can I get student visa before? Lord, I can't trust the officers. Help me trust You.

局員B)が、「まだ回してないよ。別の書類がいるもん」と言いました。その書類はリストに載っていないにも関わらず。多くの人が、フィリピンでは公務員に口答えしないこと、すればトラブルになるからと言っていたので、口答えせず、また、別の日にそれを届けに行きました。また、局員Cが「火曜日の午後にもう一回来て」と言ったので、火曜日の午後に行くと、局員Bが「Cは”多分”って言ったんやで。金曜日か月曜日に出直して」と言いました。なので、昨日の月曜日に取りに行くと、別の書類を渡されました。それには、「この人は学生ビザへの変更を求めています。書類は全部そろっているので、ビザを発給して下さい」とかいてありまいた。それをコピーするように言われたので、コピーして戻りました。やっとビザがもらえるんだと思いました。ところが、「じゃ、また火曜日の午後に」 アパートから移民局まで、片道一時間かかります。しかも、私の旅行ビザは今週金曜日に期限切れです。それまでに本当に発給されるのでしょうか。主よ、移民局の面々を信用することはできません。あなたを信頼するよう、助けて下さい。


Karaoke Party

Someone in our neighborhood got Karaoke set. Since then, they have karaoke party every day. I mean, EVERY DAY!! Party is held from 7-8 pm. to 10 pm. The volume is very loud and not many people are good singers... The problem is I can't study with noise. Will they get tired with it someday? I hope so, but it sounds like very optimistic even to me.



A Non-Working Holiday

The Filippino government suddenly decided to set July 27th as a non-working holiday. The decision was made in some point of this passed week. I got to know it by newspaper at church - I don't take one for myself. I was planning to go to the immigration office tomorrow, on July 27th, to receive student visa and apply for alien card, but the office will be closed because of that. No announcement was made from the school, so I assume that the school will be opened. I don't know about the library, though. When taiphoon came 2 weeks ago, the library was closed even though the school was open. I won't be surprised if the librarians decide to take advantage of governmental decision.



Kitty Garnet

I rescued a kitty on my way back from school yesterday. The Lord took her breath at 9:30 pm, today. Her name was Garnet.
"The LORD gave, and the LORD has taken away; Blessed be the name of the LORD" (Job.1:21.NKJ)

「主が与え、主が取られたのだ。主のみ名はほむべきかな 」(ヨブ1:21 口語訳)



A counseling class has finaly got started, although the other one starts on August. The class, Counseling Foundation, is very practical and interesting. We will do role play every week, while learning new techniques. The students are to do counseling outside of the class at the end of semester. The professor encourages me to do it in Japanese only if I submit the paper in English. She also suggested me to research how Japanese culture and value affect counseling as my presentation theme. I am excited for not only gaining knowledge, but also practicing the techniques and building the counseling skill from the first class.

The other theological classes have started, except for OT1. Both NT1 and OT1 requires student to write exeggitic paper as one of the main assignments. Well, why not for many are already pastoring their churches? I think the first semester is the toughest one because of all new technical terms. However, I appreciate for professors' passion for both NT1 and OT1 classes.




God Will Take Care of me

I knew I have kept thinking the ways go back home. In such such situation, can I go back Japan? How about in this situation? Is it a good excuse? No, the Lord is leading me to this land. Maybe I should take 6 classes sometimes, so I can cut off 1 semester... etc. Yesterday, I suddenly realized that I had ticket for Osaka on July 5th... today. I couldn't help myself but weeping. I prayed, "Lord, I still believe You are leading me to this country, to this school; but I wanna go home. I wanna go home. I wanna go home..."

Guess what? Today's message at church was titled, "God is My Refuge and Strength". We also sung the hymn, "God Will Take Care Of You." I took it as an answer of my prayer. I felt the Lord was telling me with warm voice, "I'll take care of you. Through every day, over all way, I will take care of you. Your God will take care of you..." How blessed to serve the Living God, Who can hear, and Who can answer!


今日、教会に行きました。メッセージのタイトルは、「神は私の避け所」で、「愛の神は いかなるときにも たよるながみ 保護したまわん」を賛美しました。私の祈りへの答えだと思いました。神様が温かい声を感じました。


New Name

It's been almost 2 weeks since I arrived in the Philippines. The school year has started, and I am getting some familiar faces.

As I wrote last time, I let the Filippinos call me Hal, which is quite unfamiliar for me. And now, my family name has changed, too. On the first Sunday in the Philippines, the pastor's son of Philippine Japan Bible Church told me, "In Okinawa way -for their parents are from Okinawa-, Shitabayashi is read as Karin, right? It sounds cute. I decided to call you Karin." He kept calling me Karin on the Second Sunday. His family quicly adupted the way he called me.
"Karin-san, ...why are you 'Karin'?"
"Ask your son!"

So now, I guess my new name in the Philippines is Hal Karin. Or maybe I tell the other Filippinos, too, to call me Karin so I can get less confused and keep Halka as my name ;p I have already learned that it wll be the waste of time to try to make the pastor's family, especially his son, to call me Hal.


「下林って、沖縄ではカリンって読むでしょ? なんか可愛いね。これからカリンって呼ぶことにするよ」

というわけで、フィリピンでの新しい名前は、「ハル・カリン」になったようです。それとも、他のフィリピン人にもカリンで統一した方が良いのでしょうか。その方がこっちの混乱が少ないでしょうし、本当の名前もキープできますし(^-^; 牧師先生のご家族、特に息子さんに、ハルと呼べと言っても時間の無駄であろうことは、既に学びました( ̄□ ̄;!!


10 Days in the Philippines

It's been 10 days since I came to the Philippines. I'm getting used to cold-water shower. I went to a market place to get some vegetables and froots. They have fresher ones than supemarkets do. The one problem is I'd better to speak in Tagalog in the market place.

The classes haven't started, but there were sessions about writing papers, which were mandatory. As I noticed the other students have hard time to get my name, I told them they could call me just "Hal." Having said that, I, myself, is not getting to used to be called Hal; that it takes a few moments to realize someone is calling me :( Anyway, I'm getting more and more familiar faces as days go by.

...I guess I'm adupting a new lifestyle so far. Thank God.


授業はまだ始まっていませんが、「レポートの書き方」みたいなセミナーがありました。どうも、私の名前は覚えにくいようなので、「ハルで良いよ」と言ってみました。言ったは良いですが、自分自身がまず呼ばれ慣れていないもので、誰かが「ハル」と言っていても、自分のことだと気づくまで若干時差がかかります(^-^; それはともかく、日々知っている顔が少しずつ増えてきました。




I just can't believe that I went to AKC last Sunday, for so many changes occured in this one week. I feel the last Sunday so long ago... I miss AKC. I miss each one of congregation. I miss picking up my friend, Laurel, and driving to church. I miss our worship service. I miss Pastor Joseph's message. I miss the fellowship, that I suppose they are having right now. Although I believe God has called me to be here, in the Philippines, I also believe it is acceptable to miss my family, churh, friends, ...and our puppy, while expecting God's guidance and trusting in His good plan.

I went to the Philippine Japan Bible Church today with my Japanese friends here. We took a bus and a train, and it took about 1 hour and a little more. There were about 10 Japanese people and 30 Filippino congregation. We sung the worship songs in English, Japanese, and Tagalog. Then, my friend shared his message in Japanese, for the Pastor was away in Finland, and Pastor's daugher was interpretting into English. The service was good and blessing. I'll try to go English Service near our apartment, later. Please pray that God's lead to the church, which is the best to accomplish His plan.





I miss Japan a lot. I miss my family, church, friends, and our puppy, more than I expected. Especially, when I'm alone in my room, the quietness speaks to me, "You are alone." I confess that I cried when I went to bed last night. I told God, "Lord, I'm lonely. I even feel I want to give up already, although I don't want to rationally. Help me! Confirm once again that You are the One Who called me here."
However, I woke up somehow feeling better. My face was just normal, no facial swelling. I went to shopping to get what I need, and other Japanese students, who are a couple, helped me. We shared how we are called, about our church background, and they explained me how the classes go.
Then, my family skyped me. Later, my friend from church skyped me, too. It helped me not to feel loneliness today. Thank God for His answer of my prayer!



Last Sunday for a while at Assembly Kyoto Church

I am very thankful for AKC. Thank you for not only having me but also giving me the opportunity to take some parts in the English service and to serve the Lord.

I'm leaving for the Philippines tomorrow. God bless each one of you and as a church as well. I am honor to be a part of you.

Keep me in your prayer for God's guidance as I live in the different culture and study Christian Counseling at Alliance Graduate School for His glory. I'll keep you in my prayer.





Thyme In The Lord

The language of thyme is strength and courage; ensures the restful sleep. Before I leave for the Philippines to study Christian Counseling, I declare that I trust the Lord for providing my thyme - strength and courage, and restful sleep.
