
A Non-Working Holiday

The Filippino government suddenly decided to set July 27th as a non-working holiday. The decision was made in some point of this passed week. I got to know it by newspaper at church - I don't take one for myself. I was planning to go to the immigration office tomorrow, on July 27th, to receive student visa and apply for alien card, but the office will be closed because of that. No announcement was made from the school, so I assume that the school will be opened. I don't know about the library, though. When taiphoon came 2 weeks ago, the library was closed even though the school was open. I won't be surprised if the librarians decide to take advantage of governmental decision.



Kitty Garnet

I rescued a kitty on my way back from school yesterday. The Lord took her breath at 9:30 pm, today. Her name was Garnet.
"The LORD gave, and the LORD has taken away; Blessed be the name of the LORD" (Job.1:21.NKJ)

「主が与え、主が取られたのだ。主のみ名はほむべきかな 」(ヨブ1:21 口語訳)



A counseling class has finaly got started, although the other one starts on August. The class, Counseling Foundation, is very practical and interesting. We will do role play every week, while learning new techniques. The students are to do counseling outside of the class at the end of semester. The professor encourages me to do it in Japanese only if I submit the paper in English. She also suggested me to research how Japanese culture and value affect counseling as my presentation theme. I am excited for not only gaining knowledge, but also practicing the techniques and building the counseling skill from the first class.

The other theological classes have started, except for OT1. Both NT1 and OT1 requires student to write exeggitic paper as one of the main assignments. Well, why not for many are already pastoring their churches? I think the first semester is the toughest one because of all new technical terms. However, I appreciate for professors' passion for both NT1 and OT1 classes.




God Will Take Care of me

I knew I have kept thinking the ways go back home. In such such situation, can I go back Japan? How about in this situation? Is it a good excuse? No, the Lord is leading me to this land. Maybe I should take 6 classes sometimes, so I can cut off 1 semester... etc. Yesterday, I suddenly realized that I had ticket for Osaka on July 5th... today. I couldn't help myself but weeping. I prayed, "Lord, I still believe You are leading me to this country, to this school; but I wanna go home. I wanna go home. I wanna go home..."

Guess what? Today's message at church was titled, "God is My Refuge and Strength". We also sung the hymn, "God Will Take Care Of You." I took it as an answer of my prayer. I felt the Lord was telling me with warm voice, "I'll take care of you. Through every day, over all way, I will take care of you. Your God will take care of you..." How blessed to serve the Living God, Who can hear, and Who can answer!


今日、教会に行きました。メッセージのタイトルは、「神は私の避け所」で、「愛の神は いかなるときにも たよるながみ 保護したまわん」を賛美しました。私の祈りへの答えだと思いました。神様が温かい声を感じました。