

I just can't believe that I went to AKC last Sunday, for so many changes occured in this one week. I feel the last Sunday so long ago... I miss AKC. I miss each one of congregation. I miss picking up my friend, Laurel, and driving to church. I miss our worship service. I miss Pastor Joseph's message. I miss the fellowship, that I suppose they are having right now. Although I believe God has called me to be here, in the Philippines, I also believe it is acceptable to miss my family, churh, friends, ...and our puppy, while expecting God's guidance and trusting in His good plan.

I went to the Philippine Japan Bible Church today with my Japanese friends here. We took a bus and a train, and it took about 1 hour and a little more. There were about 10 Japanese people and 30 Filippino congregation. We sung the worship songs in English, Japanese, and Tagalog. Then, my friend shared his message in Japanese, for the Pastor was away in Finland, and Pastor's daugher was interpretting into English. The service was good and blessing. I'll try to go English Service near our apartment, later. Please pray that God's lead to the church, which is the best to accomplish His plan.



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