
New Name

It's been almost 2 weeks since I arrived in the Philippines. The school year has started, and I am getting some familiar faces.

As I wrote last time, I let the Filippinos call me Hal, which is quite unfamiliar for me. And now, my family name has changed, too. On the first Sunday in the Philippines, the pastor's son of Philippine Japan Bible Church told me, "In Okinawa way -for their parents are from Okinawa-, Shitabayashi is read as Karin, right? It sounds cute. I decided to call you Karin." He kept calling me Karin on the Second Sunday. His family quicly adupted the way he called me.
"Karin-san, ...why are you 'Karin'?"
"Ask your son!"

So now, I guess my new name in the Philippines is Hal Karin. Or maybe I tell the other Filippinos, too, to call me Karin so I can get less confused and keep Halka as my name ;p I have already learned that it wll be the waste of time to try to make the pastor's family, especially his son, to call me Hal.


「下林って、沖縄ではカリンって読むでしょ? なんか可愛いね。これからカリンって呼ぶことにするよ」

というわけで、フィリピンでの新しい名前は、「ハル・カリン」になったようです。それとも、他のフィリピン人にもカリンで統一した方が良いのでしょうか。その方がこっちの混乱が少ないでしょうし、本当の名前もキープできますし(^-^; 牧師先生のご家族、特に息子さんに、ハルと呼べと言っても時間の無駄であろうことは、既に学びました( ̄□ ̄;!!

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